- Started and finished season one of Steven Van Zandt's Lilyhammer, on Netflix. In fact, I think that's the only format in which the show has aired. In a Jon Stewart interview with Mr. Van Zandt, I gleaned that Lilyhammer preceded Orange Is the New Black as Netflix's first TV series. I'll definitely tune in for season two, which begins next week. If you don't know who Steven Van Zandt is, first: catch up on your Springsteen E Street Band history (think: head scarf), and two: tune in to see Lilyhammer through Netflix because he's precious as a NYC mobster turned immigrant in Norway. Caution: adult language.
- Experimented with Nads hair removal products. Outcome: spotty.
- Rearranged furniture. Outcome: the jury will return when Charley Green does or does not approve and/or does or does not charge into a piece when taking out a canine resident for a midnight pee break.
- Made substantial progress into this book about the young girl shot by the Taliban for desiring an education. Excellent reading, people, just excellent. Was reminded and educated further about the fact that we should never confuse the religion of Islam with the Taliban or Al-Qaeda.
- Hand washed all of these wine glasses and water bottles:
- The above mention is notable, trust me. Just ask Charley Green if you doubt me.
- Marveled at the fact that despite the home heater, the ice on outside doors has not yet 100% melted.
- Never lost sight of gratefulness that the power did not fail, despite reading about all of my friends' experiences with no heat, no power and risking the roads to find available hotel rooms.
- Realized that a poop duty session is mandatory in the backyard, since the canine gifts are fully noticeable on the still-strong ice blanket. Outcome: duty not yet concluded.
- Moved our sectional from the wall, vacuumed. Outcome: I don't want to go back there again.
- Amused myself watching the dogs determinedly scratch at the stubborn ice, listening to them try to munch on it. It's like the dog version of that dreaded, scraping dentist utensil.
- Completed a required science lab safety certification course online. Outcome: boring.
- Observed two of our neighbor children carve ice bricks out of our yard with a steak knife and a garden spade. They also managed to incite several dog riots within the house. Heard: "I think we should go, I heard a door open." Priceless. I politely asked the boys to please avoid digging up any plants.
- Experienced appreciation for another neighbor, watching him use an extension cord and hair dryer to thaw out his mailbox.
- Read many mentions of cabin fever on social media. Outcome: I have no clue what that emotion feels like. Yet.
The streets in our neighborhood are still quite icy. I haven't even contemplated driving since Thursday evening. Even if the streets were safe, our driveway leading from the garage sits at the business end of a slope.
Will Charley Green's flight land on time - SAFELY* - tomorrow morning? Will we return to school, on time, tomorrow? Outcome: undetermined.
*Rather to be delayed - or shut-in, in my case - than to be unsafe. Simply. Not. Worth. It.