Wednesday, September 3, 2014


A couple of post notes from my most immediate prior post:

1) Does one of our Swedish Outback tour guides (Jan) resemble Ed Harris in a crazy/similar fashion?  Allow me to help you see the similarities.  Jan is on the left, Ed is on the right:

2) C. Green mildly ribbed me for using "y'all" with our European counterparts in safari.  But, I held firm on my response that it's close enough to "you all" and "you guys" for fellow travelers to understand what I meant.  I also pointed out to my better half that I may have used 'y'all' but he was speaking extra loud and extra slow to folks using the same language as us.  Hmph.  So there.

Several months ago I obtained my group fitness teaching credentials through ACE (American Council on Exercise) after realizing the many benefits of doing so, including being able to take advantage of fitness teaching vacations through an organization that bestie Andrea introduced me two a couple of years ago. I posted about our first experience with fitness teaching vacationing back then:  

This time, it was my opportunity to lead the masses!  Well, as massive as a class tends to be in the Caribbean during the slightly less busy summer season.  Read:  low class attendance.  But that's ok!  Come all, or, come one.  I taught two classes daily and they were smartly scheduled back to back in the morning.  Andrea and I then had the remainder of each day to ourselves to do as much or as little as we desired.  Neither of us had yet traveled to Cabo San Lucas so this was a new experience for both of us.  Here is a map of the area; with Cabo San Lucas pointed out on the Baja Peninsula:

We lodged and I taught at Secrets Marquis Los Cabos, a beautiful, quiet, and serene resort.  Here are some highlight photos taken from and around the property:

View from room:

Who doesn't love room slippers?

Those coconuts were free rolling and we were involved in an unfortunate incident one evening; totally not our doing, though.  (honest):

When without a pool bag, simply use the laundry sack:

This group of men sold their wares on the beach each day.  Tough business, trying to lure tourists out of the infinity pool:

The bananas weren't free to pick:

This was our room niche for room service exchange.  I really like that word. Niche:

Pens?  I'm a teacher, of course I took them:

I liked the leather work on the room lamp:

I won! I won more chips.

A jaunt into Cabo San Lucas starts off with trying to determine just the right spot to catch the bus despite a lack of bus stops:

The bus curtains made us happy:


Jesus with camera flash:


These coffee beans made me smile:

"The Teacher:" (no clue)

Internet cafe:

Proof that work was involved in this vacation: