Friday, November 16, 2012

My 120 dollar lesson

To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction. ---Sir Isaac Newton

In the lead up to the most recent ma-juh test administered to my students, less, my colleagues and I - reeling from abysmal data results accumulated after the prior ma-juh test (chemistry - with which they mostly had NONE), we I concocted the <at the time> brilliantly clever idea to offer students an incentive to perform at a more successful level on the physics test.  The chemistry results were so abysmal that my lackluster goal for physics was "CAN WE JUST GET THEM TO PASS FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, MARY, AND ALL THAT'S GLUTEN-FREE?!"  So, the bar was set low and those students that met the bar were offered pizza as an incentive.  Paid for by yours truly and my two teammates.  Pizza, for adolescents, apparently, is a more effective motivator than a home alarm siren for a hamburgler.  The number of students who met our incentive was exponentially higher than we anticipated, not to mention what our pocket books predicted.  So the good news is that we helped our students achieve a taste of success and provided Pizza Patron with an order of 35 large-Marge pizzas.  

Unrelated in news, kids, is this read that is wholly suitable for our upcoming season of gifting and cooking:  (mind the language peppered throughout, and, if easily offended - DO NOT click)  The Hater's Guide to Williams Sonoma

Also, if you should find yourself with the expression shown in this photo* between now and Dec. 24, it's probably time to scale back the shopping and uncork a bottle of vino with friends and family:

*MWJ, thank you for sharing!

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