Saturday, February 23, 2013

Do not quarrel with a goat

Or he will spit at you.  This one and a half minute clip is pure glory, and I trust that no goats were harmed during the making of this gift:

Coming soon to a basketball arena near you, a dunking otter:

***do not read further if you are offended by the crude term for cow manure and/or you have youngsters nearby***

I succeeded  mostly succeeded in refraining from Peppermint Patty Laughing at this image a student showed me - outside of school hours - that was saved in her iPad camera roll:  

I heartily encouraged her to never open that gem at school.  Ever.  Again.

For my friends interested in United States public education (like how I popped this in here, eh?), which I direly hope is ALL of you, this testimony by an educator is worth all 7 minutes, and a smidgen, of your time.  It's a textbook example of  why our country's immigration system demands the overhauling that the overwhelming majority of citizens and non-citizens demand, albeit for varied reasons.  No matter the political or social label you may have assigned yourself, I'm gonna hazard a guess that rare is the one of us who supports the cow manure logic notion that a child brought to our country under the wing of his parent(s) - who are 99% likely to be doing so in hopes of cultivating a better home and future for their children - should be educated, as is compulsorily required and rightly offered to children in the US, and then tossed back to a country they've never 'known' as a result of a stiffer consequence that some of the most degenerative criminals do not even face.  I'm no economic oracle of expertise, but I'm going to traipse delicately onto a flimsy limb here and suspect that this is not a sound return on our taxpayer <and social> investment.  Creating a legal reasonable pathway for children educated in our country, to become citizens and enable them the opportunity to contribute to society, is, plain vanilla, simply the right thing to do:

A legal and reasonable pathway to citizenship for US educated children not your cup of iced tea?  Contact your federal representative.  I hear they make lots of important things happen up there.  <snort>

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