Sunday, September 22, 2013


You can thank my clever and kooky Mudda for that term.  She coined it when I mentioned that Char and I should start compiling dog waste, produced by the 3-6 dogs present in our home at any given time, and use it for alternative fueling.

In other news, in case you missed this one ---> A colleague's response to my mention that I have a student named God in one of my classes:

"...And I thought I was special because I had Beyonce and Shakyra in my class."

I hope you enjoy this commentary from a precious childhood - and - now - precious - adult - close friend:

“I had to run to Wal-Mart at lunch today and I must say it was the most entertaining trip I have had in quite some time. In fruit and veg we have the sweet little lady with a handicap whose cart died and she can't get herself out of the cart. She had others assisting her so I went on my way as they were trying to figure out how to "help" her. Then I was entranced by the married couple who decided the meat section was an ideal place to have an argument. As I make my way from dairy I run into the young mom who has her 5 year old strapped into one of those car seat apparatuses that are built into the buggy. I mean this kid couldn't budge. The kicker was her (I am guessing here) 6 month old was sitting in the buggy seat chewing on the buggy handle with nothing to hold him in. No seat belt what so ever, just slobbering away. Lastly I get to the check out where there are gobs of folks at the bank. There are black and pink balloons and a big sign that reads Happy Birthday, etc.. The check-out lady informs me the bank is 15 years old, and as she is finishing her sentence out walks one of the very pregnant employees in a tight fitting hot pink prom dress, with a big crown on her head. As I was leaving the parking lot my thoughts were this: only in Palestine, and, how much easier it would be to find salad dressing if the bottles were on the shelf in alphabetical order...”

Lastly for today, are a few images that struck a banjo chord with me this week, including what I feel is one of THE best photos of Mr. Green, ever.  He is super photogenic of course - hmph - but this one, where he is seen with Fuzzy Cakes, our sixth foster success, mesmerizes me.  You be the judge of which is Mr. Green and which is Fuzzy Cakes (A. Brim - I'm still thanking you for that laugh.).  One of the images below will tickle those of you who are sisters in second-hand shopping with me.  

Enjoy your Sunday, folks!

1 comment:

  1. Ah, Palestine. But I really want to post about the cart that died. If any of you ever see one sitting around unplugged, please - just plug it in. If it happens to be sitting in the parking lot - then you have a good excuse to drive one. Hey, the first trip is always exciting. Just plug it in when you get in side.
    Unplugged carts is a personal with me and is a personal pet peeve.
