Highlights of our time:
- Quiet surroundings, lush vegetation, friendly folks, and every detail attended to by a diligent resort staff.
- Having absolutely zero concern about where to find meals, no planning of the time, and no expectations that we would "do something," this day or the next.
- Moonlight massages on the beach in a Mayan Palapa. Thank you, Mudda, what a treat!
- Seeing my Mom enjoy a relaxing time away from the real world.
- Many chuckles and Peppermint Patty Laughs, including this one, thanks to a waiter who apparently fell victim to my evident under-enunciation of my name -
If you need a solid resort recommendation, email me and I'm more than happy to give you details of my experiences.
Here is a sampling of scenery, below, along with an album found here: https://picasaweb.google.com/100660534081378363970/Playa?authkey=Gv1sRgCLmSuKjnqeCrIw&feat=email

My very generous and lovely daughter treated her Mudda to this luxurious vacation. It was heaven on earth and I cannot wait to go again. Thank you dear daughter.