...but two visits to the city and two glowing recommendations of the referenced program have me considering working it into my television repertoire. Move over, Bravo Housewives... But more importantly, Portland contains some people* very dear to my heart.
D & A Robertson-Beans

I visited again recently and am working on compiling a persuasive presentation for C that entails living in the city of ports for a few months each year. Sure, we could be some of "those" multi-residence people. Ahem. For starters though, we will return this summer (check your schedule, A!). Baby steps.
Portland is green. Portland is lush. Portland is a small city with all of the big city conveniences. Portland has <some> free public transportation, enough that allows my friend A and her hubs to share a single car. Portland is, quietly, friendly. Portlandians are accepting, and, apparently, you don't have to be off the charts hip or cool or odd to be accepted. Portland has water. Portland has WATERFALLS.

A and I visited the Robertson-Beans and Mr. Bean, AKA: Chef C-Swagger, prepared the most delicious and surprising dish for our enjoyment. I've pasted the recipe below so, you too, can experience Chiliquiles. (It's a term that needs to be said with the drama of a line delivered by Salma Hayek.)
1 can hatch green chili sauce
8 oz roasted chicken breast, shredded
3 eggs, beaten
tortilla chips
3 slices of mild cheddar cheese
salt & pepper
creme fraiche to taste (watered down sour cream...fancy)
simmer green chili and chicken for 10 min.
add eggs, cook on medium heat for 1 min.
add chips, stir until mixed
add cheese
take off heat, stir until cheese is melted, serve drizzled with creme fraiche and enjoy!
Chef C-Swagger is not only a wizard of culinary delights, he's also incredibly funny. No really, I know you all know that I think everything is funny, but he truly is FUNNY. Trust me. He's also married to one of the nicest people on the planet, AND his mother-in-law is sweeter than watermelon wine. Speaking of that crew, if you find yourself in Portland, please pay them a visit in The Pearl District: Mabel and Zora While there, take a break from shopping and site-seeing at Hot Lips Pizza.
A and I share the same wicked and yet ridiculous (code: silly) sense of humor so it's no surprise that my visit was filled with Peppermint Patty Laughs. In fact, you can thank her for that term, friends. She treated me to a marvelous spa day, continued culinary delights, and, naturally, stellar company. We attempted a second foray into Voodoo Doughnuts but the line was longer than a gaggle of giggling tweens waiting to meet Justin Bieber, as evidenced by a photo in the album linked below.
Until next time, Portland. <wistful sigh> A smattering of Portland photos, old and new.
*only by coincidence did my dear friend "from back in the <college> day," and the sweetest family I know from my childhood, both wind up in the same Pacific NW city.
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