Tuesday, January 29, 2013


I have thus far unsuccessfully convinced anyone in my immediate circle to purchase a bullhorn (the sort that requires batteries - so you know it's real good and potent) for me - both of which would be immediately employed in my classroom.  It's true, professionals that publicly speak (oftentimes obnoxiously loudly) all day as a part of their job responsibilities suffer from 'down in the throat' frowny face on a routine basis.  To boot, I (along with my department colleagues) teach in spaces that are cavernous, complete with 56 foot ceilings.

, but close.

But really, I beg of those who love me, the bullhorn would not be a frivolous addition to my education toolbox.

Speaking of (punny/she points out her puns), here are a few items that have spoken (again with the punnies!) to me recently:

Me: "****, keep your laughter focused on appropriate school content."
****'s Classmate: "I assure you if he's laughing, it's inappropriate."

Kids of all ages are witty, smart, and refreshingly insightful.  Just listen.

Encore: Student response to me issuing an at-large, verbal "stop," --> "Hammer time!"

A photo of my colleague's shoes after a day at work:

To be fair, this colleague is expecting a bundle of pooping and milk drinking joy soon, so likely (and justifiably)  has very little interest in where she may step during her day.  But, as I know she would agree, in the sage words of Ice Cube:  "...you knew the job was dangerous when you took it."  

Lastly, these two quotes speak to me on personal and professional levels:


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