Friday, January 4, 2013

Rewind and unwind

Disclaimer:  wonky formatting about halfway through this post strikes again.


My high school class enjoyed our 20th reunion in October and it was a smashing success.  Everyone spent quality time with some, caught up with others, and enjoyed buckets and buckets of Peppermint Patty Laughs.  Char and I were sadly too late entering town to attend the homecoming football game - blasted 'leaving the city on a Friday evening' traffic!  We met up with classmates in old town for some cheer after the football game.  Our little hometown has, while not grown in population significantly enough to note - and I actually appreciate that, expanded by way of restaurants, hang outs, art, and festivals, etc.  I do wish we were closer in proximity to visit more often.  Jeez, I really miss the trees. (the vegetative ones, there aren't too many extremely tall people that I can recall)

The Saturday evening social was hosted at and I don't think there was a disappointed guest in the house.  Charley and I, along with our fur kids, lodged at the venue since we were early birds and reserved one of the two guest rooms available.  The atmosphere was charming, the food was delicious, and Simon's (the proprietor) guest service could not have been more accommodating.  Charley and will return as guests again, without a doubt.

So many classmates pulled together in varied ways to make the event successful and we can't wait for the next reunion!

Comic time-out:  I will make sure that future excursions to the kuntry with both Charley and I are accomplished with me at the wheel once we hit the county line.  His Philadelphia aggressive, lead foot didn't jive with the need to decrease speed, roll down the window, and scan the mostly obscure and low reflection CR and FM signs.  I had to laugh at his third or fourth exclamation of, "How are you supposed to read these signs?!"

Here are just a couple of snaps from the night that I've managed to put my claws on:

Unwind:  school's winter and Christmas break has been as satisfying as always.  It's been a nice mix of rest, sleep - a LOT of sleep, reading - a LOT of reading, a bit of travel, quite a bit of indoor-inducing cold North Texas weather, visiting with Charley's delightful family on the east coast, and enjoying time with my Mom and niece in east Texas.  

I realized today, as I do at the tail end of many school breaks, that I don't dread in any way my return to the real world.  "If you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life."  I'll refrain from assigning an author to that quote since my only resource to confirm the attribution is Google.  Or Facebook.  Everything is true there, right?  Snort.

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