Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Tuesday tee-hees

A regretful hip replacement:

My dear, generous and huge with heart friend Donna hosted a bridal tea for me before my wedding.  She sent me this note after the party weekend:

"So I was very tired Monday morning & barely able to function & apparently see.  I slapped Luke’s sandwich together & the rest of his lunch & stuck it in the fridge & took off.  Well, I pick him up yesterday about 5:30 & our conversation begins with [after initial greetings].  Luke: “Do you know what food group fungi is classified as?  Is it a carbohydrate?  Do you think it is on the food pyramid?”  Me: “Why are you asking me this?”  Luke: “Well my sandwich bread was pretty much green with mold/fungi & I was wondering what you were trying to feed me.  You know I have not really been properly fed since Friday since you were so busy preparing for your party & not preparing me meals.”  He went on to explain that he had to negotiate/trade 1 sugar cookie & half his chips for 2 slices of white bread from a teammate [they eat in the locker room….talk about exposure to fungi!] who happens to bring a loaf of bread & a jar of peanut butter for lunch daily!  He trashed his bread & removed the outer portion of his lunch meat to salvage his lunch."

I appreciate this idea:

The screen shot below details an exchange I experienced with an unknown texter.  I honestly don't know if the sender intentionally tinkered with me, or if I was the accidental recipient of a legitimate military communications exchange.  I watched the news carefully over the next day or so to ensure that I wouldn't need to carry any guilt about potentially disrupting an important undercover operation.  My responses are in blue background below.

We've all been here:

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